Volume 7 2015 (2016)

Piotr Piotr Andrzej Dmochowski (Warsaw), More about the beginnings of the Pobóg family, on the margin of the discussion about a forgery.
Mariusz Nowak (Kielce), Ordynacja estate’s lineage of the Wielkopolscy, margrave Gonzaga Myszkowski (until the half of 20th century) – outline of history.
Viviane Kostrubiec (Toulouse), Benjamin Kostrubiec (Strasbourg), A retrospective look at the evolution of the population of the Earth.
Mariusz Ausz (Lublin), Members of the Guard of Honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Shchuchyn the period 1928-1934. A contribution to genealogical research.
Małgorzata Anna Nowojowska (Cracov), Official archives in the service genealogy. Contribution to the role of the envelope of evidence personal and documents from the years 1931-1975 reported data as a source for genealogical studies.
Katarzyna Jedynak, Broel-Platerowie z Białaczowa. Losy rodziny w XIX i XX wieku, Wydawnictwo Arslibris, Public Library of the City and Commune of Końskie 2013, pp. 267, illustrated (including colour.), Piotr Andrzej Dmochowski
Tomasz Pietras, Oporowscy herbu Sulima. Kariera rodziny możnowładczejw późnośredniowiecznej Polsce, [Oporowscy, Sulima Coat of Arms. The Career of the Magnate Family in Late Medieval Poland], Lodz University Press, Łódź 2013, pp. 322 [Bibliotheca Thomasoviensis, vol. II], Wioletta Zawitkowska