Yearbook of the Lublin Genealogical Society

Yearbook of the Lublin Genealogical Society (ISSN 2080-9212) Is a publishing periodical (in electronic-reference version and paper), scientific and peer-reviewed scientific papers once a year from Poland and abroad, devoted to genealogy and related sciences (including legal sciences, some issues of archeology and genetics), along with their Anglo-, Russian-, French- and German-speaking abstracts (depending on the nature of the article, their abstracts in others modern languages are also included).
The periodical is on: list B of journals according to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education – 7 points; Index Copernicus Journal Master List 2015 – index IC Value 5,64 points; list of scored journals in the references of the workers of the University of Warsaw.
More information about the journal, its Editorial Staff, Reviewers, the Scientific Council, content of individual volumes, our achievements, collaborators or publication conditions and other procedures (including those required by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and ICI) is available on this page in the relevant tabs.
Editors and Publisher